UX Research: Everything You Need to Know About It

5 min readJan 17, 2023


Image source: https://logolivery.com/

We can consider the product the most convenient in the world, but only a user experience study (UX Research) will show whether users agree with us. It is the UX study that gives an understanding of potential and existing customers’ opportunities to pay money for our dream product. The only question is how to do User Experience Research correctly.

UX research: what is its purpose?

1. Improving efficiency

UX Research is needed to improve the basic metrics. It’s simple: users interact with the product, which means there are specific factors for evaluating the effectiveness of these actions. For example, the number of unique visits, lead conversions, and LTV. With the help of user experience research, you can track problem areas and improve the interaction between the user and the product interface. As a result, the metrics show higher indicators than before User Experience Research.

Image source: https://greentomato.academy/ux-research-for-beginner/

2. Hypothesis testing

During the development of a hypothesis about what problem and how a particular product will solve it, specialists form certain scenarios of user actions. Where they will look, what to click, and so on. That’s good, but in practice, it often happens differently. Users who do not see buttons do not understand the logic of actions and the like. As a result, they refuse further interaction with the product.

To prevent this from happening, UX Research is needed. It allows you to identify inconsistencies between the hypothesis and the realities. As a result of this data, we modify the interface to make it easier for the user to understand and use. For example, you can change the location of elements on the screen, the color scheme, or even the logic of interaction between the user and the product. The purpose of these manipulations: bring the user to the desired goal: purchase, request, call, and so on.

Image source: https://www.junglescout.com/blog/amazon-split-testing/

3. Disclosure of the audience and their needs

There are three main features in a product, for example. Two out of three users are actively using it, according to a study of the user experience. Analyzing this information will help you better understand who will use a particular solution and for what purpose. It helps to divide potential users into additional cohorts to develop the best offer for them. As a result, the third feature will be finalized or completely removed as unnecessary.

Image source: https://xd.adobe.com/ideas/process/user-research/user-segmentation-for-ux-design/

To summarize, UX Research helps to more accurately identify the target audience (TA) of the product and find out its needs, to develop the most convenient and at the same time effective interface. The ultimate goal of all these actions is to improve key indicators and successfully monetize the project.

Both new businesses and existing ones should employ the UX research approach before launching. He will help the first to test hypotheses and refine them by the needs of a potential audience. The second is to find out the problems of users and solve them by adjusting or adding new functions.

Image source: https://www.springboard.com/blog/design/ux-researcher-vs-ux-designer/

Stages of UX research:

  • Collecting business reqirements

That’s the starting stage that every project goes through. To begin with, the designer must find out what goals the client wants to achieve. It helps to recognize and evaluate how the design will help bring money to the business.

This stage consists of briefing the client and building a UX research strategy. The latter will help determine how best to achieve your business goal. Often, at the stage of collecting business requirements, the client already puts forward some hypotheses that eventually need to be confirmed or refuted.

Image source: https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/tips-for-a-perfect-business-requirements-document
  • Market Analysis

A UX audit is also helpful for existing products. That’s a detailed analysis of errors in usability and visual part. The product is evaluated for compliance with the laws of UX, composition, color, and generally accepted standards, for example, online stores. But that’s not enough. Such an analysis will not reveal the real problem and will not help to delve into it. This is a risk that the business will continue to exist, but no one will use it.

Image source: https://articles.bplans.com/crisis-market-analysis/
  • Target audience analysis

You can analyze the target audience through questionnaires or interviews. At this stage of UX research, it is important to find out what tasks the user needs to perform (jobs), benefits (gains) and problems (pains) of users. The list of questions for each activity helps to test hypotheses and understand the user’s online and offline experience. It is possible to determine insights — problems or desires that are popular among the target audience — from the gathered information.

Image source: https://blog.iotechnologies.com/how-to-define-target-audience/
  • Generating solutions

The design team can generate solutions both independently and jointly with the client. It will simplify the further process. We compare all the previously obtained data and come up with ideas on how to apply it in practice.

Image source: https://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2021/04/how-ux-designers-can-add-value-to-a-business.php

Guys, in this article, we briefly reviewed the basic information on this topic. Leave your reaction, share it and write if you want to read similar materials more often.

Image source: https://logolivery.com/

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